Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Four Ingredient Cookies

I have made these "cookies" about 4 times with the last 2 weeks. I even started making double batches! Cookies?? you say? I am supposed to be all about healthy and clean eating?? you say?

Well, these "cookies" are just about the healthiest "un" cookies that still taste like delicious, high calorie, sugar packed cookies! But are anything but! I have been looking for a recipe for clean and easy to make granola bars for the kids. There is something so convenient about just being able to grab a snack like a granola bar, but the store bought bars are full of so many additives and preservatives, even the "organic" ones! And they will break your bank! Most of the bar recipes I found were too complicated and not all that yummy. So I came across a similar recipe and tweaked it just a little and came out with these delicious little bites!


2 Ripe Bananas
1 1/4 cup of Quick Oats
1/2 cup of Dairy free, Soy free Chocolate Chips (I use Enjoy Life brand)
2 TBSP of Natural Peanut Butter

Directions (it can't get any easier):
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Smash bananas, mix in oats, peanut butter and chocolate chips. Use a teaspoon to drop onto a cookie sheet. Bake for 15 minutes!

So I made about 16 small "cookies" with this recipe and they were gone in 2 days! Just try to keep them longer! Oh and since they are all fresh ingredients, you will want to store them in an airtight container for no more than about 5 days. Let me know what you think!

Oh and check out my latest fitness challenge group on Facebook here!

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