Sunday, September 28, 2014

Getting Fit Does Not Discriminate

When I decided to try out the 21 Day Fix earlier this year, I had many people say to me "You are already thin.", "You don't need to lose weight." And every time I heard that, I wanted to scream. There, I said it. It really made me crazy.

Losing pounds was not my ultimate goal. Sure, it was welcome, but it was not the reason I began on this journey. I made a decision that I wanted to get HEALTHY. I made a decision to cut out processed foods. I made a decision to add a 30 minute daily workout to my running schedule to improve my fitness. I decided to do all of this for the benefits that it would have on my cardiovascular system, my cholesterol, my mood, muscle tone and most importantly, to start setting a better example for my children. The weight loss just happened when I made these changes. And, it was a lifestyle change! It wasn't unreasonable, it wasn't unsustainable and I wasn't starving. I was learning. I did this for me.

My point is that getting fit is for EVERYONE. You might have 50 lbs to lose, you might be average weight, you might be underweight, you might be young, middle age or pushing 70! Do not underestimate the effects of what you are eating and your physical activity on your life. Your whole life. You may have no idea how great you could feel. I didn't. I thought it was normal to want to take a nap at 2 pm.

The greatest victory for me as a result of the changes I made was learning how to eat to feel amazing. I learned what foods to eat, how much to eat and in what balance to maximize my health.  And now, when I get off track, I know it. My body tells me about it. I feel tired, my skin breaks out, I'm cranky.

If there is any one change I would encourage you to make to get healthy is to take the time to learn. You might think you already eat healthy. I thought I did. Guess what? It wasn't good enough. Take the time to learn for yourself, to feel better, to set an example for your families.

I run clean eating groups all the time and have one coming up starting October 6th. You don't have to want to lose weight, you just have to want to learn about getting healthy and getting fit. If you want to get started learning how, you can join my Facebook event here.  Add me and send me a message letting me know you are ready to start learning! Would love for you to join us!

And it's not just me...this was a message I received from one of my latest challengers. This is for real.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I totally agree! You might like a post I just did on simple lifestyle changes to help you be healthy on
